Ban Ki-moon today called for enhanced partnership between the United Nations and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), as the two bodies work together for peace, human rights and sustainable development across the region.
“You have a tremendous opportunity to position the ASEAN region for the 21st century. The United Nations is proud to be your partner, and we value your openness in furthering this partnership,” Mr. Ban told participants at the Fifth ASEAN-UN Summit, held in Brunei Darussalam.
The head of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has stressed that the agency’s strong focus on inclusive and sustainable industrialization can help bolster the continent’s efforts to achieve long-term growth and development.
“It is so important for Africa to find a tool to open the door of inclusive and sustainable industrial development in order to take off during the next decades,” Li Yong, Director General of UNIDO, said in a statement, summing up his first visit to Africa since taking office.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today stressed the vital role of water in sustainable development, highlighting in particular its importance with regard to food security, climate change and sanitation.
“Water holds the key to sustainable development. We need it for health, food security and economic progress,” Mr. Ban said in his opening remarks at the Budapest Water Summit. “Yet, each year brings new pressures.”
The 58 members of UNESCO’s Executive Board on 04 October nominated Irina Bokova (Bulgaria) for the position of Director-General.
There were three candidates: Irina Bokova, Rachad Farah (Djibouti) and Joseph Maïla (Lebanon).
The Forum “Open Innovations” is thought by organizers as a global discussion venue devoted to the innovation topics. The event is aimed at predicting technology trends, defining the role of innovative ecosystems in global world processes, and setting the Russian and international agendas for innovative development.
The key theme of the Forum in 2013: “Disruption and Innovation: Game Changers Powering the Global Market”. The Forum will be focused on game changers—forward-minded innovative companies and breakthrough technology solutions that change the rules of the global market and alter the relationship between various global innovation market players.
Autonomous Non-Сommercial Organization "International Sustainable Energy Development Centre" under the auspices of UNESCO, 2024