At the Round Table on the problems of climate change and increasing energy efficiency in Russia, which took place on March 2, 2011 in the British Embassy in Moscow, ISEDC presented the principles for working out Russia’s low-carbon economic development strategy.
The leading Russian and British experts in the field of energy and ecology took part in this event. “The purpose of the low- carbon scenario of the Russian economy development is to show the viability of the new energy model which is based on advanced energy efficient technologies and on renewable sources of energy keeping GDP’s growth pace”, - says the leading expert-analyst of ISEDC Victor Kornilov.
ISEDC press-center
Today the 6th meeting of the Thematic Group on energy strategies, forecasts and scenarios took place within the scope of the EU-Russia Energy dialogue.
There ISEDC presented general approaches to the construction of the “Road Map” for cooperation between Russia and EU in the field of energy up to 2050.
ISEDC and UNECE discuss the issues of cooperation in the field of energy efficiency and energy saving with scientists and experts of CIS countries.
The implementation of energy efficiency policy in Russia and other CIS countries is the main subject of the international working meeting of the leading scientists and experts of CIS countries which has been opened today in the International sustainable energy development centre under the auspices of UNESCO (ISEDC).
ISEDC, IEA and the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation discussed the prospects of development of the Russian natural gas market and the forecasts of the global energy long-term development.
Within the scope of the meeting Chief Economist of IEA Fatih Birol presented the “forecast of the global energy development 2010” and ISEDC presented its “Review of the Russian gas market” and the “Road Map” for international cooperation of Russia in energy field.
UNECE looks at policy reforms and potential for investments in energy efficiency in Eastern Europe.
UNECE held the second Seminar on Policy Reforms to Promote Energy Efficiency (EE) and Renewable Energy (RE) Investments on 20-22 October 2010 in Geneva. The seminar was part of the 16th session of the Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency Investments for Climate Change Mitigation.
During three next days the participants will discuss the topical issues concerning protection of children’s rights and interests all over the world.
The main objective of the Conference is to develop policies in the field of early childhood care and education, including disadvantaged children.
The meeting of the Thematic Group on Energy Strategies, Forecasts and Scenarios within the framework of the EU-Russia Energy Dialogue took place yesterday in the International Sustainable Energy Development Centre (ISEDC) under the auspices of UNESCO.
The discussion was targeted at coordination of strategic plans of the parties and was focused on the analysis and evaluation results concerning various scenarios of delivery of Russian energy resources to the European Union countries. The participants confirmed that EU-Russian energy cooperation should base on sustainability, market and adaptability principals. The dialogue made special emphasis on the energy efficiency issues.
On September 21, 2010 a meeting of the Thematic Working Group on energy strategies, forecasts and scenarios will take place in the International Sustainable Energy Development Centre under the auspices of UNESCO (ISEDC) within the scope of the EU-Russia energy dialogue.
The representatives of the European Commission (EC), of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, of the International Energy Agency (IEA), of the Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ERIRAS) and of some other organizations will arrive to ISEDC to take part in this event.
Autonomous Non-Сommercial Organization "International Sustainable Energy Development Centre" under the auspices of UNESCO, 2025