United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today announced the appointment of two Special Envoys on Climate Change. The Special Envoys are John Kufuor, former President of Ghana, and Jens Stoltenberg, former Prime Minister of Norway.
The Secretary-General has asked the Special Envoys to assist in engaging Heads of State and Government around the world in order to mobilize political will and action, and raise ambition in advance of the 2014 Climate Summit that he is hosting in New York on 23 September 2014.
UNESCO’s General Conference has set the direction for UNESCO’s work over the next eight years.
The new Medium Term Strategy (2014-2021) adopted by the Conference positions UNESCO to play a leadership role in defining the development objectives that will replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in the areas of education, science, culture, communication and information.
On 19 and 20 November 2013, the Regional Forum “Dialogue as a Way to Understanding” took place in Moscow. It was dedicated to the International Day for Tolerance 2013. The purpose of the Forum was to organize a multilateral dialogue with the involvement of mass media promoting mutual understanding in multicultural societies through social inclusion policies.
The event was jointly organized by Etnosfera Centre for Cross-Cultural Education and UNESCO Chair on International Education and Integration of Migrant Children in School of the Moscow Institute of Open Education (MIOO), with the support of the UNESCO Moscow Office.
The coal industry must radically transform and diversify to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, a senior United Nations official said today at a meeting in Poland, stressing that companies must assess the risks of doing business as usual.
Addressing industry chiefs gathered in Warsaw for the International Coal and Climate Summit, organized by the Polish Government and the World Coal Association, Christiana Figueres said her presence at the meeting is neither a tacit approval of coal use nor a call for the immediate end to its use.
The amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere reached a record high in 2012, continuing an upward trend which is driving climate change and which will shape the future of the planet for hundreds and thousands of years, according to the United Nations World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
The agency’s annual Greenhouse Gas Bulletin shows that between 1990 and 2012, there was a 32 per cent increase in radiative forcing – the warming effect on the climate – because of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other heat-trapping long-lived gases such as methane and nitrous oxide.
UNESCO’s General Conference today elected Irina Bokova for a second four-year term as Director-General of the Organization. She was nominated for the position by UNESCO’s Executive Board on 4 October.
Born on 12 July 1952 in Sofia (Bulgaria), Irina Bokova was first elected Director-General of UNESCO on 15 November 2009. Her first term has been marked by a major reform of UNESCO, to make the Organization more efficient and relevant to challenges facing peace and development today, in a world of diversity that is increasingly interdependent.
On November 5, 2013 the Executive Director of International Sustainable Energy Development Centre under the auspices of UNESCO Mr. Yury Posysaev presented a Ыгььфкн Report on the ISEDC’s activities for 2012-2013 at the 37th session of the UNESCO General Conference in Paris.
On November 5, 2013 at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, on the first day of the 37th session of the General Conference, a Summary Report on the ISEDC’s main activities for 2012-2013 and information on the most important implemented projects and programmes was brought to the attention of the official delegates of UNESCO Member States during the ISEDC presentation.
Autonomous Non-Сommercial Organization "International Sustainable Energy Development Centre" under the auspices of UNESCO, 2025