Several Heads of State and some 150 ministers and delegates from all 195 UNESCO Member States will gather in Paris over the next 15 days for the Organization’s General Conference. This 37th session will shape the Organization’s strategy and direction for the next eight years.
The Conference is also expected to confirm another four-year term for Irina Bokova as Director-General. She was nominated for a second term by UNESCO’s Executive Board last month.
This session of the General Conference is held at a particularly critical time for UNESCO. The Organization is in the midst of a major reform, aimed at making UNESCO more relevant, more effective and more performing in response to global challenges to peace and development.
The seventh session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-sponsored fellowships Programme 2013 for specialists from developing countries and countries in transition has been successfully implemented from 1st to 25th October 2013.
The fellowships programme was held on the basis of higher educational institution – Ecological Faculty at Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, which is located in Moscow.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon tours the roof of UN City in Copenhagen, Denmark, which has been outfitted with wind turbines and solar panels.
The world is at a “tipping point,” and how it produces, distributes and uses energy will determine if sustainable development succeeds, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today, highlighting climate financing, in particular new public-private partnerships, increased investment and enhanced market development.
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called for a clean energy transformation to help put the world on a more sustainable path, stressing that this will require innovation, investment and collaboration by all partners.
“Achieving a clean energy transformation will need the combined efforts of governments, multilateral investment banks, private finance, civil society, the knowledge community and the private sector,” Mr. Ban said in a keynote address at the Third Global Green Growth Forum in Copenhagen. “We are partners on a path to sustainability… But we have no time to waste.”
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called on the international community to step up its financial investment in technologies, policies and practices that can help combat climate change, adding that time is running out to address this global threat.
“Climate change is the single greatest threat to sustainable development. Yet too often, one important fact gets lost amid the fear: addressing climate change is one of our greatest opportunities,” Mr. Ban said at the annual meeting of the International Development Finance Club (IFDC) in Washington, D.C.
Ban Ki-moon today called for enhanced partnership between the United Nations and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), as the two bodies work together for peace, human rights and sustainable development across the region.
“You have a tremendous opportunity to position the ASEAN region for the 21st century. The United Nations is proud to be your partner, and we value your openness in furthering this partnership,” Mr. Ban told participants at the Fifth ASEAN-UN Summit, held in Brunei Darussalam.
The head of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has stressed that the agency’s strong focus on inclusive and sustainable industrialization can help bolster the continent’s efforts to achieve long-term growth and development.
“It is so important for Africa to find a tool to open the door of inclusive and sustainable industrial development in order to take off during the next decades,” Li Yong, Director General of UNIDO, said in a statement, summing up his first visit to Africa since taking office.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today stressed the vital role of water in sustainable development, highlighting in particular its importance with regard to food security, climate change and sanitation.
“Water holds the key to sustainable development. We need it for health, food security and economic progress,” Mr. Ban said in his opening remarks at the Budapest Water Summit. “Yet, each year brings new pressures.”
Autonomous Non-Сommercial Organization "International Sustainable Energy Development Centre" under the auspices of UNESCO, 2025