The 13th session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme for specialists from developing countries, countries in transition and less developed countries has been successfully implemented from the 30th of September to the 26th of October 2019.
The Fellowships Programme was held in International Sustainable Energy Development Centre under the auspices of UNESCO (ISEDC). Highly skilled professionals in the amount of 19 young specialists from Asia, Africa, Central and Latin America, Eastern Europe, and the CIS participated in the 13th session.
Within the framework of the training course of the 13th session a wide range of issues related to efficient use of energy resources as a part of sustainable development, climate change (economic and political aspects, adaptation strategy and mitigation in developing countries), energy conservation, ecological standards and norms in energy sector, energy and resource efficiency, ensuring the sustained energy and low-carbon energy usage.
The curriculum of the program included 120 academic hours of practical and theoretical studies, as well as visits to specialized Congress and exhibition events.
The fellows took part in the International Energy Forum and Conference "Russian energy week", the International Forum for Innovative Development "Open Innovations" 2019.
Efficient Use of Energy Resources as a Part of Sustainable Development to be Studied in the Framework of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme 2019
The 13th session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme for specialists from developing countries, countries in transition and less developed countries to be started on September 30, in International Sustainable Energy Development Centre under the auspices of UNESCO (ISEDC).
More than 92 candidates from over 45 countries prepared their applications for the right to participate in the 13th session of the Fellowships Programme: students, engineers, ecologists, government officials, researchers and teachers. Only 19 specialists from Asia, Africa, Central and Latin America, Eastern Europe and the CIS, whose professional skills met all the requirements of the programme, were nominated for the grants.
The 13th session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-sponsored Fellowships Programme is taking place from 30th of September to 25th of October 2019. The training course will address a wide range of issues related to efficient use of energy resources as a part of sustainable development, climate change (economic and political aspects, adaptation strategy and mitigation in developing countries), energy conservation, ecological standards and norms in energy sector, energy and resource efficiency, ensuring the sustained energy and low-carbon energy usage.
The 13th session of the Fellowships Programme is being implemented with the participation of the teaching staff from the leading higher education institutions, external professionals, Russian business and research institutes experts, who have considerable experience in scientific works and projects in the field of energy, climate change, use and protection of natural resources, environmental and energy management.
During the practical part of the training course, participants will visit research centers, educational and scientific laboratories and take part in congresses and exhibitions.
As a result of the training, the participants of the 13th session of the Fellowships Programme will prepare reports on the current state and prospects of sustainable energy development in their countries and present their course works (team projects), which will be defended at the final exam with the participation of ISEDC experts and invited experts.
ISEDC Press-Centre
The 13th Session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme has Successfully Started in Moscow
The 13th session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme for young specialists from developing countries, countries in transition and less developed countries started on September, 30 in the International Sustainable Energy Development Centre under the auspices of UNESCO.
The agenda of this year’s session is focused on effective use of energy resources as a part of sustainable development.
The opening ceremony began with the welcoming remarks from Yury Posysaev, the Executive Director of ISEDC. He congratulated the participants on the start of the Programme and stressed the importance of training specialists and raising the capacity building to find ways to solve the global challenges facing modern society. He also expressed confidence that the training during the Programme will contribute to improving the professional level of participating specialists as managers capable of making thoughtful and effective decisions. Nineteen young specialists from Asia, Africa, Central and Latin America, Eastern Europe and the CIS countries are taking part in the 13th session of the Fellowships Programme.
During the first week of the training course the participants met with Grigory Yulkin, Head of Strategic Planning and Partnership Department of ISEDC.
Presentation of Grigory Yulkin was dedicated to the problems of sustainable development within the context of climate change. His lecture included a variety of topics: evolution of climate change policy (from Kyoto Protocol to Paris Agreement), reasons, trends and scopes of climate change problem, as well as models of the climate change in dependence of different scenarios, current researches on this problem and expected outcomes, and correlation of climate and energy with anthropogenic activity.
The issues of the effective management of the environmental footprint of the economy and the demand for ecosystem resources were widely discussed with students as well. During the lecture, there was found the correlation between the growth of people's welfare and resource intensity (including energy intensity) of the economy. This tendency amplifies the relevance of the initiatives set to achieving the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals until 2030, and allowing to stimulate the growth of the global economy and reduce the deficit of biocapacity. Grigory Yulkin clearly demonstrated the possibilities for raising the living standards of people in the developing countries and maintaining the pace of development in the developed countries, which are appearing in the context of the low-carbon paradigm of the global economy.
On October 3-4, 2019, the participants of the 13th session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-sponsored Fellowships Programme took part in the events of the International Forum “Russian Energy Week - 2019”. The participation in this event provided an opportunity to become familiar with the development potential of the energy complex of Russia, as well as with the ways of realization of the potential of international cooperation in the field of energy and the main challenges faced by the energy sector of the economy to address current development problems.
ISEDC Press-Centre
UNESCO/ISEDC Co-sponsored Fellowships Programme keeps on going in Moscow
The 13th session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme for young specialists from developing countries, countries in transition and least developed countries, which was launched on 30 September 2019 in ISEDC, continues to be implemented in Moscow.
Within theoretical and practical training sessions in ISEDC a series of lectures was given by invited teachers of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR), Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas and European University in St.Petersburg.
On October 7, Olga Kudryavtseva, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Environmental Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University gave a lecture on the environmental assessment, renewable and non-renewable resources and their overall economic value, ecosystem services in the context of sustainable energy development. The fellows also took part in a game experiment on environmental economics, the point of which was to make a decision on the use of shared resources.
On October 8, at the Peoples ' Friendship University of Russia (PFUR) the participants of the Programme met with Margarita Redina, Dean of the Environmental Faculty of PFUR, Doctor of Economic sciences. In her lecture Dr. Redina focused on the wolrd energy resources, including their deposits, availability, distribution and use, and, as a consequence, the problems of ecology.
On October 9 and 10, experts of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Ph. D. Mikhail Vorontsov and Anatoly Grachev gave lectures on the creation of an energy management system based on the comparison of energy efficiency indicators in comparable conditions by the example of natural gas compression systems.
During the lectures the concept of comparable conditions for energy efficiency indicators, absolute and specific costs of fuel and energy resources (FER), the advantages and relevance of these costs, examples of comparing the FER costs in comparable conditions were discussed.
At the end of the lecture in order to test the knowledge gained and prepare specialists for the exam to be held during the final week of the Fellowships Programme, M. Vorontsov and
A. Grachev conducted a practical seminar "How gas reciprocating compressors operate", where types of reciprocating compressors, physical basics of their operation and equations for calculating the energy consumption of compressors were studied. As a result of the seminar, the fellows were able on their own calculate the energy consumption for operation of one and two-flow compressors. As a result of their research and calculations, the participants of the programme proved that the knowledge gained was highly applicable for maximally approximating real tasks of energy management.
On October 11, Anna Kurbatova, Ph. D., Associate Professor of the Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting Department of the Environmental Faculty at the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, discussed within interactive lecture topical issues of global and regional climate change, adaptation and mitigation strategies in developing countries.
On October 14-18, Maxim Titov and Olga Teplova from Research Centre on Energy Policy of the European University in St. Petersburg presented a series of lectures on "Sustainable energy development in the context of climate change".
During the lectures the participants of the Programme studied the economics of climate change, energy-efficient technologies for the implementation of mitigation strategies, including business prospects in climate policy in terms of energy and resource efficiency.
In addition, the participants were introduced to pricing formation for electrical power depending on the level of participation in the transformation of the energy system and learned about the role of subsidies (for fossil fuels, RES) as component of the transition policy to low-carbon energy saving.
Within the lectures, there was practical seminar on fuel pricing formation. As its result, the fellows grasped resources' pricing formation mechanism and were able to perform a comparative analysis related to resources’ policy instruments.
During the discussion on the results of the lectures and reports presented, the issues of economic and environmental use of RES, the typology of RES risks, as well as the political aspect related to the integration of energy efficiency solutions to improve energy security were raised.
On October 21 and 22, fellows of the 13th session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme will take part in the events of International Forum of Innovative Development "Open Innovations".
On October 24, a certification exam will be held, during which the fellows will present their examination projects.
The 13th session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme will finish on October 25 with a solemn ceremony of awarding with certificates to its participants – 19 young specialists from Asia, Africa, Central and Latin America, Eastern Europe and the CIS.
ISEDC Press-Centre
The 13th session of the UNESCO / ISEDC Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme has finished in Moscow
As part of the final, fourth week, the participants of the 13th session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme took part in the 8th annual international forum “Open Innovations”, which is a discussion and exhibition platform devoted to the latest technologies and prospects of digitalization in various fields, as well as submitted and defended their research works.
On October 21-22, fellows took part in plenary sessions devoted to popularizing innovations for sustainable energy development, green energy using digital technologies in the context of the digital economy global development. The participants attended round tables and panel discussions on the introduction of innovative energy technologies, as well as exhibition pavilions, which presented high-tech solutions and developments created by Russian startups with support from development institutions.
An examination day for the participants of the 13th session of the ISEDC/UNESCO Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme was held on October 24 in the presence of the examination board: Grigory Yulkin, Head of Strategic Planning and Partnership Department of ISEDC, Mikhail Skonechny, Head of the Innovation Projects Sector, and Victoria Osodoeva, Head of Educational Activities Sector of ISEDC.
As the first stage of their exam, the participants were asked to write a test that included control questions from all the key topics (energy, climate, sustainable development, renewable energy, energy management) studied during the lectures, as well as questions providing the opportunity to formulate the essence of sustainable energy development in relation to the specifics of nations which they represent.
During the second stage, the participants of the 13th session presented their examination projects about the current state and prospects of development of all types of energy resources in their countries. Based on the results of a detailed analysis of the current situation, they highlighted the main humanitarian aspects of social and economic development in their works and proposed their vision of the energy development strategy taking into account national peculiarities and roles in regional and international cooperation.
The 13th session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme for specialists from developing countries, countries with economies in transition and least developed countries finished on October 25 with a solemn ceremony where all the fellows were awarded with certificates of its successful completion.
Yury Posysaev, the Executive Director of ISEDC, Grigory Yulkin, Head of Strategic Planning and Partnership Department of ISEDC, and Victoria Osodoeva, Head of Educational Activities Sector of ISEDC, attended the award ceremony.
Mr. Posysaev made a closing speech congratulating the graduates on the successful completion of the 13th session and expressed his hope that the training course would be remembered for meaningful discussions and interesting meetings, as well as would contribute to the promotion of promising ideas, constructive solutions and initiatives, and also wished success in their further professional activities.
The participants thanked the management and experts of the ISEDC for organizing the training course and excursion programs.
ISEDC Press Centre