The 12th session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme for specialists from developing countries and countries in transition has been successfully implemented from 1st to 26th of October 2018.
Within the framework of the training course of the 12th session, a wide range of issues on sustainable energy development were studied, including energy saving and energy efficiency in municipal and industrial buildings, ensuring the processes of effective management of energy consumption, development and use of renewable energy sources, development of innovative technologies in the energy sector, as well as international cooperation in the energy sector.
The curriculum of the program included 120 academic hours of practical and theoretical studies, as well as visits to specialized Congress and exhibition events, production, testing, and research laboratories and educational institutions.
The fellows visited Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Laboratory on Renewables at Moscow University, they also took part in the International Energy Forum and Conference "Russian energy week", the International Forum for Innovative Development "Open Innovations" 2018.
The lecture of the experts of ISEDC by Dilyara Karimova and Grigory Yulkin for the participants of the 12th session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-sponsored Fellowships Programme is the following:
The issues related to sustainable energy development to be studied by the international team of foreign specialists – participants of the 12th session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Fellowships Programme 2018
On October 1, 2018, the 12th session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-sponsored Fellowships Programme for specialists from developing countries and countries in transition officially started up at the premises of International Sustainable Energy Development Centre under the auspices of UNESCO (ISEDC).
The thematic coverage of this year’ session will focus on a wide range of issues related to sustainable energy development.More than 70 candidates from over 40 countries prepared their applications for the summer-held selection process for the right to participate in the 12th session of the Fellowships programme: current and graduate students, postgraduates, engineers, ecologists, representatives of city’s administrations, researchers and teachers. 19 young specialists from Asia, Africa, Central and Latin America, Eastern Europe and the CIS, whose professional skills met all the requirements of the programme, were nominated for the grants to participate in the 12th session of the Programme.
On the opening day of the Programme, the ISEDC Executive Director Yury Posysaev congratulated the participants on the start of the 12th session and expressed the hope that the knowledge gained during the course of the Programme will be useful in their further researches and practical activities.
The 12th session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-sponsored Fellowships Programme for specialists from developing countries and countries in transition is taking place from 1st to 26th October 2018. The training course will address a wide range of issues related to sustainable energy development, including energy conservation and energy efficiency in municipal and industrial buildings, ensuring the processes of effective management of energy consumption, the development and use of renewable energy sources, the development of innovative technologies in the energy sector as well as the issues of international cooperation in the energy sector.
This year’s session of the Fellowships Programme is being implemented with the participation of the teaching staff from the leading higher education institutions: Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR), Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, who have considerable experience in scientific works and projects in the field of energy, study, use and protection of natural resources, environmental and energy management.
During the practical part of the training course, participants will visit research centers, educational and scientific laboratories. In particular, there will be organized visits to the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (PFUR), Laboratory on RES of Moscow State University, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MSUCE), as well as a visit to the International exhibition of equipment and technologies for urban planning, energy supply and urban infrastructure "City-Expo-2018" and the exhibition "Smart city" to be held at the premises of MSUCE.
Visits to specialized congress and exhibition events are also to be organized. On 4-5 October 2018, the participants of the Programme, accompanied by ISEDC experts, will take part in some events of the business program of the International forum on energy efficiency and energy development "Russian energy week", and on 16-17 October 2018 there will be organized a visit to the International forum for innovative development "Open innovations".
As a result of the training, the participants of the 12th session of the Fellowships programme will prepare reports on the current state and prospects of sustainable energy development in their countries and present their course works (team projects), which will be defended at the final exam with the participation of ISEDC experts and invited experts.
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The results of the first half of the training course of the 12th session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-sponsored Fellowships Programme
The 12th session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-sponsored Fellowships Programme for specialists from developing countries and countries in transition, which started on October 1, 2018, at ISEDC, keeps on taking place in Moscow. In the first week of training (October 1-5), the participants of the Programme met the ISEDC experts.
Head of Department of Ecological Development, Dilyara Karimova, gave a lecture on “Sustainable Development: Approach, Limitations, Reality”, in which she presented the main aspects of the concept of sustainable development, as well as the general environmental concepts and basic principles of the environmental protection. At the end of the lecture program, a practical task was proposed to the students.
Grigory Yulkin, Head of Strategic Planning and Partnership Department of the ISEDC, made a presentation about the problems of sustainable development under the circumstances of the climate change. During the lecture, the participants of the Fellowships programme became familiar with the main approaches to estimating anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, managing the carbon footprint of products in the cycle from production to consumption, plunged into the context of the international climate agreements and discussed a number of climate initiatives at the international, national, regional and sectoral levels.
The issues of the effective management of the ecological part of the economy and the demand for ecosystem resources were widely discussed with students. During the lecture, the correlation between the growth of people's welfare and resource intensity (including energy intensity) of the economy was found. This tendency amplifies the relevance of the initiatives set to achieving the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals until 2030 and allowed to stimulate the growth of the global economy and reduce the deficit of biocapacity. Grigory Yulkin clearly demonstrated the possibilities for raising the living standards of people in the developing countries and maintaining the pace of development in the developed countries, which are appearing in the context of the low-carbon paradigm of the global economy.
On October 4-5, 2018, the participants of the 12th session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-sponsored Fellowships Programme took part in the events of the International Forum “Russian Energy Week - 2018”. The participation in this event provided an opportunity to become familiar with the development potential of the energy complex of Russia, as well as with corporate and government experience in implementing the projects in the field of energy and energy efficiency.
The second week of the training course (October 15-19) started with the meeting with the Head of the Ecological Faculty of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Dr. Margarita Redina. She emphasized in her presentation that the development of sustainable energy is a global priority and that the energy security plays the major part in providing of the sustainability of economic systems at different levels and, as a consequence, in the scenarios and predictions of the energy sector development as the key for the development of the world economy. The issues of renewable resources and their redistribution, oil, and gas resources, their distribution in the world and major environmental constraints were discussed at the lecture.
As a next part of the training, the fellows studied in depth the municipal and industrial energy management course, which was given by the ISEDC partners, experts from the UNDP/GEF Project “Building energy efficiency in the North-West of Russia”, Vitaly Bekker and Andrey Dodonov. The main part of this training course was focused on the study of the condition of modern energy-efficient and energy-saving technologies, environmental management systems, existing systems of the urban energy resources management, the experience of implementing the phases of energy management in budgetary institutions and municipalities.
During the practical training, the fellows used their knowledge in making the lists of energy-efficient measures for various institutions and carried out the calculations of the energy-saving effects in case of their successful implementation. In addition, the participants of the 12th session of the Fellowships Program evaluated the economic efficiency of various energy sources and made predictions regarding the resolving of the problems of using the energy-saving technologies.
During the third week of training, a series of lectures with invited experts is planned to be held at ISEDC. Professor Valery Bessel from Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Associate Professor, Ph.D. Anna Kurbatova from Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia and Associate Professor, Doctor of Economics Olga Kudryavtseva from Moscow State University will visit ISEDC to meet with and give lectures to the fellows.
The fellows will also attend the International Innovation Forum "Open Innovations", which is held under the auspices of the Government of the Russian Federation. This forum is widely acknowledged as a unique discussion platform focused on the development of the innovative, computer and intellectual technologies.
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The 12th session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-sponsored Fellowships Programme keeps on going in Moscow
In the third week of training, the series of lectures with invited experts from Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia and Lomonosov Moscow State University was held in the ISEDC.
On October 15, the fellows met the members of the Department of Thermodynamics and Heat Engines of the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas. Professor Valery Bessel, Assistant Renata Mingaleyeva and Master student Dmitry Sidorov presented a series of reports on the topic “Renewable Energy Sources for the Oil and Gas Complex of Russia”.
During the lectures, the fellows became familiar with the actual trends in the development of the world economy and energy, the state of the resource base and the extraction of organic fuel and hydrocarbon raw materials, the influence of hydrocarbons on geopolitical trends, the concepts of energy efficiency and energy sensitivity of the economy, the efficiency of thermal energy, and research work carried out at the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, in the area of increasing the energy efficiency and reliability of energy supply of oil and gas facilities in Russia by means of the use of renewable energy sources.
During the following discussion, various issues of the energy production in the world, ways of the developing of the global energy were discussed. Some practical problems of the efficiency of using renewable energy sources for energy supply of oil and gas facilities of Russia were assessed. The reaction of the audience showed the great interest in the discussed issues.
On October 16-17, the participants of the 12th session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-sponsored Fellowships Programme took part in the events of the International Forum “Open Innovations”, the topic of which was “Sources of the Digital Breakthrough”. The issues of the development of the state innovation support programmes, involvement in the international innovation-acceleration community, stimulating and strengthening innovation activities, opportunities for the commercialization of ideas and other corresponding issues of technology development in Russia and the world were discussed. Also the exchange of practical experience in development and commercialization of the latest technologies and the popularization of the advanced research and development of the global technology brands were talked over.
On October 18, Anna Kurbatova, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting Department of the Environmental Faculty at the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, gave a lecture at the ISEDC.
On October 19, the lecture about environmental assessment, the value of ecosystem services, environmental economics, renewable and non-renewable resources was given by the associate professor of the Department of Environmental Economics at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Doctor of Economics Olga Kudryavtseva. The participants also took part in a game experiment on environmental economics, the point of which was to make a decision on the use of shared resources.
In the final week of training (October 22-26), the participants of the 12th session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-sponsored Fellowships Programme will visit industrial and test laboratories (scientific and educational), research centers of the Moscow State (National Research) University of Civil Engineering and the Renewable Energy Sources Research Laboratory in the Moscow State University.
The lectures of Associate Professor of the Department of Thermodynamics and Heat Engines of the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Ph.D. Mikhail Vorontsov and his assistant Anatoly Grachev are also on the schedule.
On October 25, 2018, a certification exam will be held, during which the fellows will present their examination projects. They will analyze the situations in the energy sectors of their countries of origin, show statistical data and assess the perspectives for the energy development.
On October 26, 2018, a ceremony will be held to present certificates of successful completion of the 12th session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-sponsored Fellowships Programme for specialists from developing countries and countries with the economies in transition.
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The 12th session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-sponsored Fellowships Programme has concluded in Moscow
During the final fourth week of training, the participants of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-sponsored Fellowships Programme visited museums, industrial and test laboratories, research and education centers based at Moscow universities, attended to the lecture of experts from Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas. After that, they presented their research works.
The fourth week of training started on October 22 with a visit to the Moscow State (National Research) University of Civil Engineering (MSUCE), where the fellows became familiar with the research and laboratory facilities of the MSUCE. Also, the participants visited the MSUCE Museum, a scientific and educational laboratory of aerodynamic and aeroacoustic testing of building structures, a research laboratory of engineering studies and monitoring of building structures, a testing laboratory "Translucent structures and facade systems", as well as the educational centers "Water Supply and Water Disposal", "Geotechnics", "Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies", "Smart City", "Hydrotechnics".
On October 23, the fellows attended to the lecture given by Ph.D. Mikhail Vorontsov and Sergey Grachev from Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas. The lecture was titled “Comparison of energy efficiency indicators in comparable conditions with the example of natural gas compression systems”. The fellows carried out calculations of energy demand for single and two-line compressors, solved the cases, found out comparable conditions for comparing energy efficiency indicators for various technical and technological systems (automobile, boiler room, aircraft, compressor etc.).
On October 24 the participants of the 12th session of the Programme visited the Renewable Energy Sources Research Laboratory at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, where the fellows saw the innovative technological solutions of energy-saving cultivation of microalgae, as well as interactive maps of the objects functioning on the renewable energy sources in Russia, which already exist, are under construction or in the process of planning.
On October 25, at the premises of ISEDC, the final seminar took place in the presence of the examination commission consisting of Grigory Yulkin, Head of the ISEDC Strategic Planning and Partnership Department, Victoria Osodoeva, Head of the ISEDC Educational Sector, and Vitaly Bekker, Manager of the UNDP/GEF Project “Building energy efficiency in the North-West of Russia”. During the seminar, the participants of the 12th session of the Programme presented their examination projects on the state and perspectives of the development of all types of energy resources in their countries of origin. In their works, the fellows conducted a detailed analysis of the current situation in their country, provided statistical up-to-date data and shared their assessment of the perspectives for the sustainable energy development.
The 12th session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-sponsored Fellowships Programme for specialists from developing countries and countries with the economies in transition concluded on October 26, 2018 with a solemn award ceremony with the presentation of the graduation certificates. The ceremony was honored by Yury Posysaev, Executive Director of the International Sustainable Energy Development Centre under the auspices of UNESCO, Olga Kudryavtseva, Professor of the Department of Environmental Economics of the Faculty of Economics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Victoria Osodoeva, Head of the ISEDC Educational Sector and Grigory Yulkin, Head of the ISEDC Strategic Planning and Partnership Department.
Mr. Posysaev gave a closing speech, congratulated the fellows with successful completion of the course, and wished them success in their future professional activities. In turn, the participants thanked the leadership and experts of the ISEDC for organizing the training course and the cultural programs.
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