The second session of educational programme for the specialists in the field of energy from the developing and transition economies with UNESCO participation has started on 10 of March and launched on the base of Moscow Energy Institute.
The programme of advanced training is designed for Russian literate specialists in the field of energy and management as well as professors of energy higher educational establishments of the developing and transitional economies.
The 2nd session of training programme was implemented on the base of Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University) where participants were presented 80 hours curriculum, that included the following list of training programs:
- energy and sustainable development
- renewable energy
- environmental management of energy resources
- sustainable generation of power plants – prospects of energy basic equipment development.
Within the classes trainees learnt the activities of Technical and Electrophysics of High Power Departments including High Power Testing Lab, Department of Energy Systems Relay Protection and Computerization, Department of Energy Systems and Grids, etc.
Practical program included visits of the following Research Institutions and Companies including:
- All-Russia Scientific Research Institute of Rural Electrification (VIESH) where Prof. D.S. Strebkov, Academician of RAACS, Director of the VIESH, Head of UNESCO International Chair "Renewable energy and rural electrification" introduced trainees new energy technologies and innovation projects of VIESH as well as the Institute laboratories: technologies of photovoltaic modules, technologies of processing the biomass for gas and liquid fuel production, energy supply of rural areas and study materials
- RusHydro organized a round table where it made a presentation of new innovative projects in the field of RES. The company provided opportunity to visit and learn Zagorsk Storage Power Plant that was introduced by V.I. Magruk, Director of Zagorskaya SPP, branch of RusHydro. Besides they briefed on the works of Scientific Research Institute of Energy Installations in the field of renewable energy, including small tidal HPP
- Moscow FSE for High-Rise Administrative and Apartment Buildings Operation gave a chance to learn operation of solar photovoltaic stations at the 16story buildings of Olympic Village at Mitchurin Prospect in Moscow. The presentation was held by S.A. Tkachov, Director of ECO-energy company
- the trainees visited Sapsan - Wind Energy Company, that involved in building of individual solar-wind energy complexes. V.Vasilyev, General Director showed Russian and foreign wind energy equipment to the specialists and briefed on the experience of operation in varied climate zones
- in FSE NII Mosstroy of Moscow Government the trainees saw modern energy efficient technologies of roads and buildings construction. Insolar - Invest Company demonstrated technologies for the use of low potential thermal energy of the Earth surface layers in geothermal heat pump systems of heat and cooling supply. S.V. Gribkov, corresponding member of RAS, Ph.D, Senior Scientist of TSAGI of N.E. Zhukovsky demonstrated technology of building the wind energy systems of secured power supply and wind-diesel energy complexes
- in Technoexport Company A.I. Chabanov, academician of RAES told the trainees about heliobaric energy station that represents a tool of clear energy generation, that converts solar and wind energy into power applying "tornado" effect
- in MIC "NPO Mashinostroyenia" V.V. Skorobatyuk, Deputy Executive of CDBMB demonstrated "Socol" solar collectors, designed for converting solar energy into heat and transferring it to the heat carrier in the systems of solar water heating
- Mosvodokanal Company demonstrated operation of Kuryanovskaya aeration station as well as first in Russia mini biogas station using sludge of sewage with 10 MW capacity that started operation in January 2009.
On the invitation of National Biofuel Association the participants visited International Congress of Fuel Bioethanol. The trainees attended exhibitions of "Russia FEC in XXI Century", "High Technologies of XXI Century-2009", "Nanotechnologies XXI – 2009", "Energy XXI – 2009".
At the end of the training program MPEI issued State approved License of the short term advanced training, and ISEDC issued Certificates of participation in joint training program with UNESCO.