The sixth session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme 2013 for specialists from developing countries and countries in transition has been successfully implemented according to the strategy and objectives of the approved UNESCO Programme’s Terms of Reference 2012-2013 (TOR).
The training was held in the specialized institution – Ecological Department of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (based in Moscow) from 3 to 28 October 2012.
27 fellows from Belarus, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Guatemala, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, Columbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Jordan, Kenya, Latvia, Nepal, Myanmar, Madagascar, Nigeria, Sudan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan participated in the sixth session of the fellowships programme.
The main subject of the Fellowships Programme 2012 was devoted to 82 hours course "International management of energy resources". Leading teachers and experts from Peoples’ Friendship University and International Sustainable Energy Development Centre under the auspices of UNESCO managed the educational process. Independent experts from World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Institute of Advanced Energy Training "Integral", Joint Institute for High Temperatures of Russian Academy of Sciences were also invited for lecturing within the course.
The curriculum consisted of two basic phases: desk studies and practical training. Visits to well-known Russian subject-oriented institutions and research centers became an important part of the programme.
The Programme included main subjects as follows:
- environmental protection
- global prospectives of renewable energy
- energy security and sustainable development
- international energy cooperation
- minimisation of climatic risks
- energy risks management
- indicators of energy efficiency
- energy industry management
- information systems in equipment and technology
- ecological management in energy sector
- project management, etc.
International trainees visited Moscow State University of Engineering Ecology, Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ERIRAS), Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Renewable Energy and Rural Electrification Departments at Russian Scientific Research Institute of Rural Electrification, gas turbine plant in Moscow region owned by Moscow Joint Energy Company "MOEK".
The fellows were invited to participate in a Round table conference on renewable energy and environmental safety which took place at Renewable Energy Sources Laboratory at Lomonosov Moscow State University.
In the framework of study course the group also visited the System Operator - Central Dispatch of Administration of Unified Energy System. The company’s representative offered an opportunity for the fellows to get acquainted with the administration control of the local energy system.
As a result of practical training and self-guided work, the trainees prepared reports on renewable energy situation in their countries with appliance of newly received knowledge and skills.
In the end of the course fellows were awarded with certificates of completion the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme 2012.