The 7th session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme for specialists from developing countries and countries in transition has been successfully implemented from 1st to 25th October 2013.
The highly skilled professionals in the amount of 20 people from Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Cuba, China, Ghana, Egypt, Ecuador, Kyrgyz Republic, Mauritius, Montenegro, Macedonia, Morocco, Mongolia, Tunis and Uzbekistan participated in the seventh session.
The main subject of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme was devoted to "Efficient Use of Energy Resources".
The curriculum consisted of 116 academic hours of practical and theoretical classes. And also, important part of the programme became visits to the Russian subject-oriented institutions, conferences and exhibitions.
During the 7th session international fellows visited Moscow State University of Engineering Ecology, Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ERIRAS), Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Renewable Energy and Rural Electrification faculties at Russian Scientific Research Institute of Rural Electrification, gas turbine plant in Moscow region owned by Moscow Joint Energy Company "MOEK".
The Curriculum of the 7th session included main subject-oriented disciplines as follows:
- energy efficiency: basic concepts and approaches to assessment
- global climate change
- prospective of renewables
- risks and limitations in using renewables
- energy security and sustainable energy development in national economies
- sustainable energy development
- international cooperation in the field of sustainable development
- renewable investment projects
- energy risks management
- energy industry management
- information systems energy technology
- environmental management in energy sector
- software systems for the risk analysis, etc.
The educational process of the 7th session was conducted by experienced lecturers and presenters from Peoples’ Friendship University, International Sustainable Energy Development Centre under the auspices of UNESCO, and also by invited experts from World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Institute of Advanced Energy Training "Integral", Joint Institute for High Temperatures of Russian Academy of Sciences, CIS Electric Power Council and State Moscow University.
In the end of the course fellows were awarded certificates and diplomas of completion the 7th session of the UNESCO/ISEDC Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme.