A new development, an industrial system for electricity storage, was presented in Chelyabinsk by the Scientific and Technical Center "Drive Technology", and it was immediately evaluated by experts of the Global Energy Association.
According to the Ministry of Industry, New Technologies and Natural Resources of the Chelyabinsk Region, with reference to marketing director of the STC Evgeny Chupin, grid energy storage will be able to create a reserve of energy during the incomplete loading of the energy system with its subsequent return to the system at peak consumption moments, reducing the dependence of generating capacity on the unevenness of consumption and improving the quality of energy produced for the end user.
Alexei Texler, Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region says this development may be in demand. "The development of the STC “Driven Technology” is unique. This innovation could be in demand in various industries from the oil and gas sector to the next generation of transport infrastructure," Texler said to the Global Energy Association.
The experts interviewed by the association agreed that this innovation has good prospects. Thus, Roman Belyaevsky, Deputy Director for Scientific and Innovative Work of the Kuzbass State Technical University named after T. F. Gorbachev , said that interest in such developments of energy storage systems will increasee at the federal level. "The main thing that we must understand that they should not be considered as an alternative to the traditional (centralized) power supply, but as a solution to power supply primarily to remote areas where "big energy" is not always available."
According to him, the electricity storage technology is one of the most relevant and promising in terms of development of the electric power industry. He said: “It is absolutely logically built into the so-called 3D concept, which is considered today as one of the most promising in global energy development in terms of power supply decentralization and distributed generation development.” Also, in his opinion, use of the new technology will allow to increase the efficiency of manufacturing as it involves internal resources for resolving power supply issues inside the enterprise.
Sergei Elistratov, Head of the Department of Thermal Power Stations of Novosibirsk State Technical University, also noted that the proposed energy storage technology has prospects for practical applications, but it depends on the launching of mass production."It's too early to talk about the federal level, as there is not even a small-scale production of these products. The controlled sample is being tested at the facility, but the capacity of mass production is limited by the production capacity of the enterprise (20 products per year)," Elistratov said to the Global Energy Association.
"It is difficult to evaluate the commercial prospects of the technology, because it’s necessary to learn the features of its application in different regions of Russia (electricity tariffs, types of consumers, etc.). Taking into account suppliers, the technical and commercial development of this area will be determined by the supply of components of electric batteries," he said. "However, in general, the technology of energy storage is of fundamental importance for the energy sector, because it allows to combine the possibilities of traditional production technologies and renewable energy."
Based on globalenergyprize.org