On March 20, the Global Energy Association has completed the first stage of the application period for the Global Energy Prize 2020. All nomination submissions are handed over for a professional examination. The final decision on the laureates’ selection will be taken by the International Award Committee, which consists of 20 experts from 14 countries.
The names of new laureates will be announced at a separate solemn ceremony.
This year's nomination process differs from all the others. First of all, because the geography of participants has expanded significantly, both among the nominators and nominees themselves. In addition to traditional applications from countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Kazakhstan, China, the Netherlands, Russia, Serbia, the USA, South Korea and Japan applications from Chile, South Africa, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Brazil were submitted this year.
It should be noted that he nomination process is strictly confidential. Three independent international experts evaluate each nomination submission. The Global Energy Prize laureates could become scientists from any country of the world, whose discoveries and technological innovations help to solve the most acute energy problems. The right to nominate candidates for the Prize belongs to globally knows scientists, including Nobel Prize winners, laureates of the Kyoto, Max Planck, Wolf, Balzan, Zayed Future Energy, Energy Globe, Goldman Environment and UNEP Sasakawa Prizes, Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and of foreign academies of sciences.
Based on globalenergyprize.org