The articles included in this issue address strategic issues of sustainable energy development such as energy policy and management, education and training, science and new technologies.
Editorial board would like to express its gratitude to Sergey Shmatko, Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, for his article "STRATEGIC MILESTONES OF THE RUSSIAN STATE ENERGY POLICY" in which he describes the Russian state energy strategy aimed at ensuring maximum efficiency of use of national energy resources in the coming years.
The other authors of Energy Bulletin also underline critical importance of new approaches for creation of main conditions for sustainable energy development. Namely, Alexander Müller, Deputy General Director of the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), in the article "Bioenergy: The Potential and the Challenges" points out that while nowadays bioenergy accounts for approximately 10% of world energy consumption but according to forecasts by 2030 it will supply 20% of world energy consumption and its share will increase to 30-40% by 2060. The other international expert, Wolfgang Baaske, Chairman of Centre for International Analyses (STUDIA Schlierbach), speaks about biogas production and underlines importance of comprehensive approach to development of this prospective renewable energy source.
Juho Lipponen, Head of Energy Policy and Generation Unit EURELECTRIC, in his article "Carbon Capture and Storage: A Key Technology to Decarbonise the Power Sector" gives an evaluation of outlooks of development of such advanced technology as carbon capture and storage (CCS). He argues that CCS technologies will allow capturing up to 95% of СО2 emissions of fossil fuel power plants and several European companies recently have announced their plans to demonstrate CCS technologies at large power plants commissioning them by 2015 or in some cases even earlier. Georges Zissis, Professor of University of Toulouse (France) in his article "Lighting, Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development" makes an overview of revolutionary changes in lighting technologies and writes about their impact on the environment.
Russian scientist Dmitry Strebkov, Director of All-Russian Research Institute of Electrification of Agriculture, Academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, describes new project of global round-the-clock solar power system. It is proposed to install elements of this system in Australia, Africa and Latin America and link them by low loss power transmission lines. This issue also highlights importance of energy education which, unfortunately, did not receive needed attention in previous programs and activities of global community aimed at reaching different targets of sustainable development (article "On Sustainable Development, Energy and, in Particular, on Education in this Field" by Vladimir Kuzminov, Professor of Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering).
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