Russian Biofuels Association is pleased to invite you to attend the International Congress & Expo “BIOMASS: Fuel & Power”. We would be honored if you considered joining us in Moscow, Russia. The event will be held on April 17-18, 2019 at the Holiday Inn Lesnaya Moscow.
In March 2019, the ENERPO Research Center of the European University at St. Petersburg launches "the Month of Energy". "The Month of Energy" is a series of open lectures on current trends and challenges of Russian energy politics.
The analysis finds oil and gas-related conflict may decline, as will the strategic importance of some maritime chokepoints. This week at the Assembly of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), political and business leaders from around the world outlined the far-reaching geopolitical implications of an energy transformation driven by the rapid growth of renewable energy.
On 21 December 2018 the mining of hard coal officially comes to an end in Germany. The closing of the last mine in the Ruhr region marks the end of 200 years of mining the fossil fuel that made Germany’s industrialisation possible. The reason for shutting the last hard coal mines is purely economic and was already taken in 2007.
On 27 February Moscow will host the 2nd International Investment Forum "Wind Power 2019". The event is the professional platform focused on unlocking investment in the Russian wind power industry, sharing experience, seeking solutions, and consolidating efforts of business and authorities, to carry out ambitious projects and facilitate social and economic development in the region.
On December 13, 2018, International Sustainable Energy Development Centre under the auspices of UNESCO and Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization Environmental Investment Center signed the Agreement on cooperation and mutual information exchange.
Attempts to incorporate a key scientific study into global climate talks in Poland have failed. The IPCC report on the impacts of a temperature rise of 1.5C, had a significant impact when it was launched last October.
Poland's deputy environment minister, Michal Kurtyka, said on Saturday he was in contact with the authorities over reports from campaign groups that at least 12 to 14 activists were refused entry to the country or deported while on their way to a U.N. climate change conference in Katowice.
Autonomous Non-Сommercial Organization "International Sustainable Energy Development Centre" under the auspices of UNESCO, 2024